Monday, August 6, 2012

#random Q's

  1. My childhood nickname was A'an. Pronounce: (Ak-an).
  2. If you want to spoil me rotten, buy me an iPad. Because that is just my heart desires for right now.
  3. The television character I most identify is nobody. Harharharrr.
  4. If I had the whole day to go shopping and money to spend, I would go to entah entah entah. Kehkeh
  5. The most wild and crazy thing I have ever done is creeping out of the house at 2AM just to spend time with my friends. But I know now that is the stupidest thing I had ever done. Sebab balik balik je kena marah dengan arwah Atuk. Hehe
  6. The one thing on my bucket list I am eager to do is go umrah with my best people in life. Insya-Allah. Kalau niat kita baik, Allah akan permudahkan jalan kita kan? :)
  7. My family will always be loyal to my choices. :')
  8. If I could spend a day with a celebrity, I would choose Cory Monteith. Because I want to see how freakishly tall that guy is. Hehe.
  9. In my opinion, the best invention in the history would be washing machines. Well, think about it. Kan dah berkurang orang cuci kain tepi sungai? Kihkih.
  10. When life hands me lemons, I make lemonades & sell it? :D

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