Saturday, February 2, 2013

You're not a kid, you're not.

Title macam off kan? Haha. And so this goes...

Hai awak! Meet my good friend Nik Nur Asyikin Binti Nik Abdul Rahman. My very first friend masa kat hostel dulu. Paling ingat ayat dia "kita guna kau aku je lah. pelik lah awak saya ni." And thats how our friendship grows. One word description, BUBBLY. She's like a big ball of light! Badan je kecik! Hihi. Good with snapping pictures sampaikan gambar dia payah nak jumpa. A girl with talent and spirit! Antara orang orang yang kuat yang pernah aku kenal. She's been through a lot, but through it all she's one strong girl. Learnt a lot from her. I did. Maybe she didn't know, but i did. :) Dia lah founder #geng. Without her, #geng still ada, tapi takde label lah kot. So, for the many birthdays you will have in the future, insya-Allah, i won't be yapping to much. Save some for next year! *padahal dah nak tekan publish cecepat nih*

Happy birthday! Stay as awesome as you are. Thanks for all this great years of good friendship and I thank Allah for having you in my life. Aku doakan kau berjaya dunia akhirat. Dimurahkan rezeki, dipermudahkan segala urusan untuk kau & keluarga. Cepat dapat jodoh & kahwin! Hikhik. And may our friendship lasts! :)

Pen off,

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Kisah Han dan Man.

Tak. Man bukan boyfriend baru saya. Dan dia bukan lah jiran saya, mahupun kawan saya atau acquaintance saya. Man adalah.. Man adalah.. Man adalah..

MAN adalah saya. -.-'
Eh chill dulu. Aku tak mengaku lagi nama aku MAN! :)

Itu handphone chain which i got for myself masa jejalan last year. So i hooked it up dekat my phone. Sampai lah one day aku melepak dengan some friends kat mapley. Jadi normal lah bagi kawan main phone kan? So i let them. Sampai lah one of my friend, while holding my phone kata, "MAN? Sape MAN?"
Me: HAN lah HAN.
Friend #1: Ini "M" laa. MAN.
Me: Baca lah betul betul. Han. Han. Han.
Friend #1: *starts to show the chain around with one nakal face* Man kan? Man Man Man!
Friend #2: Ha'ah lah Man!
Friends go HAHAHAHA and ye ye Man Man.
Then all of a sudden, I'm MAN!

Dan sampai sekarang if kat memana, facebook ke instagram ke, lepak sesama ke, that friend will call me Man. It'll be like a party of "Man oh man." "Ape lah Man" "Man man". Well, of course he ends up being called "buta huruf" by me. Ahaha.

Sikit je lagi aku nak pasrah dengan nama Man ni. Dah tak gantung dah chain tu dekat phone. Sbb haritu ofismate pun read it as "MAN"! Huwaaaa nangis. :'(
**siap tanya lagi Man tu nama boyfriend ke? nangis lagiiii.

Tak tak, belum pasrah. All in all, My name is Han and I'm not a terrorist! Hehe.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Life's good!

My sister is getting engaged in March. I got two best friends yang nak tamatkan zaman bujang mereka in August. This year juga habis studies. Insya-Allah, dah mula bina hidup betul betul sebagai seorang dewasa. Mula mula takut juga. Tapi usah khuatir! Allah ada! Usaha, berdoa dan tawakal.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Best fghiendddd.


Thank you for these 10 years of awesome + great + fun + joyful + and whatever good or bad we had!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

To my best fghiendddd..

To my one and only Siti Nabila Farahin.

Aku tahu masa mula mula kita kenal the first thing that came out of this mouth was, "Jangan kerek eh budak baru?" Hahahaha. Never knew that you would be my best friend up till now! How many years has it been? 9 great years babe! Kadang kadang kau je yang faham aku. Out of all people, kau je yang faham judgment aku. You're the one who once told me,

Kalau kau dah buat decision, you don't complain. Just keep quiet about it and live with it."

Tapi kita selalu end up mengadu kat each other. Kan! Hahaha. I love you babe. Allah je yang tahu banyak mana. I miss our long phone conversations. We would only stop kalau one of us sakit perut nak berak, nak makan or nenek aku atau mak kau dah panggil. Thank you sebab after aku dah pindah sekolah, kau still make the effort untuk call aku. That is why sampai sekarang pun kita kawan baaaaaaaaik! You're a good person b! Only a fool doesn't appreciate a good fella like you.

Amboi dah jiwang sangat. Koyak seluar nanti. Sebenarnya you get to have this nice words sebabbbbbb,


Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, dipermudahkan segala urusan. All the best for your final exams. Aku doakan yg terbaik untuk kau. Semoga kau & keluarga kau sentiasa dirahmati Allah s.w.t. Semoga kau dengan Khalid cepat kahwin so i get to hold your babies! Kehkehkeh. I love you b. You get to have all my love for today. I'd sing you a birthday song if you call me, sebab birthday aku this year aku x dapat phone call pun! *ayat touchy* Hehehe.

Kita kenal dari umur kita 14 tahun sampai lah sekarang kita dah 23 tahun! Wah we age very well kan! Glad to have you as my menangis, ketawa friend. We have shed tears and shared laughters together. Learned so many great things from you as we grow up. Lastly, kirim salam kat mak! ;)

Hugs and kisses,
Rehan ;)