Just updated my twit-header, my twit-avatar.
The story of how I got @MarkReadMusic to follow me:
Dia post twit pasal account dia lapar sangat nak follow his fans. So kalau nak follow-back, sila RT tweet dia tu. So dengan harapan yang tidak menggunung langsung, aku RT tweet dia. After like 3 minutes, HE FOLLOWED ME. :)
The story of how I got @Shaheizy_Sam to follow me:
He, like always was replying to some fans. Some girl fans was asking him for a follow-back and RTs. So taktahu kenapa the side of fan-girl in me was eager to tweet him that day. I tweeted him: @Shaheizy_Sam buat kenduri follow back ke? NAK JUGAAK! :)
He didn't reply tapi guess what? He FOLLOWED ME. :)